Wednesday, January 4, 2023

January 4, 2023

So, Exploding Kittens...

I won the game at a yankee swap at a holiday party in Boston before my sis and I drove up to Maine. The name sold me. The description of the game on the box as "a highly-strategic, kitty-powered version of Russian roulette" is true as far as it goes, but it's so much other than that. I figured scanning some of my favorite *ahem* cards from the deck would best convey what I mean. They're in no particular order because how -- and why -- TF would you try to impose any sort of order on these??? I'll add that high-pitched "pew pews" and "be free, little buddy" became running jokes over the holiday. (I don't recall my mom ever saying either, but she definitely laughed with us.)


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