Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 24, 2023

Update on the green guys:
(1) Spike and Shoot have welcomed a new shoot, which Spike has named Shootie.
(2) Road Dawgs have settled into their new digs, and don't talk now about their sprout-days adventures this past spring. (The fact that I spilled them out of their pot a couple of times at the end of that trip might have something to do with that. I'm hoping the future therapy bills won't be too high.)
(3) A gifted friendship plant has become very friendly indeed and is clamoring to be transplated to a bigger pot. A new pot will be cheaper than more therapy bills.
(4) My realty company gives everyone in our apartment complex a poinsettia each Xmas. I managed to kill the one I received in 2021 in short order by transplanting it into a bigger pot (the one Road Dawgs now call home). I left last year's in the pot it came in, and it is thriving. I credit Spike and Shoot's steadying influence.
(5) As you can see, the oregano plant continues to menace the neighborhood. If anyone local would like some clippings, please let me know. You'll not only have some tasty herbs, you'll also be contributing to an important counterinsurgency effort.


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